There are several applications available for iOS that are capable of sending OSC commands. Two applications that Disguise uses are Liine by Lemur and TouchOSC by hexler.net.
To download examples of TouchOSC and Lemur layouts please go to the OSC Downloads page of the Disguise website.
Please note: the sliders within TouchOSC application are set as float values between 0 to 1.
An OscDevice is created in the same way as any other device type. Please see the earlier sub-chapter Creating devices for step-by-step instructions on how to create a device, and select OscDevice from the menu of different device types. Alternatively, by default d3 contains an OscDevice called osc 1, which can be selected from the Devices manager.
This property specifies the IP value of the machine/device for out going commands to be sent to.
This property specifies the port number of the machine/device for out going commands to be sent to.
This property specifies the port number for incoming commands.
For more information on setting the IP address please see the sub-chapter Windows Settings.
OSC Transport Control
For information how to use OSC expressions on the timeline please see the OSC Transport Control page.
Controlling layer properties with OSC
For information how to use OSC expressions to control layer properies please see the Controlling layer properties with OSC page.